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Dr. Seuss

Welcome to Miss Sims’s

Seventh Grade ELA class!


Lisa Sims

school phone number:  325-1575

planning period: eighth period on Tuesday and Thursday from 1:30-3:04 pm


*Click on the tab “Weekly Assignments” to find our what we are doing in class.

Assignments can also be found on Google Classroom.


The 7th grade students complete an at-home reading project each quarter. For the fourth quarter, the students will read a book of their choice again, but it has to be approved by me first. After reading the book, they need to fill out the book review and plot diagram. Although there will be some time to work on these during class, this is an at-home project. This assignment is due on Friday, May 3, and it is a 200-point grade. They will write a summary of the book in class once they turn in their project. *The students were given a copy of this assignment, but you can also find it on the “Class Documents” tab on the left of this page and on Google Classroom under Quarterly Reading Projects.


Current Unit: Written in Bone/Blood on the River

Written in Bone    


Blood on the River

Topic: stories of our past

Themes: analyze authors’ stories and compare unique perspectives on history

Text Use: Identify and examine central ideas, compare and present unique historical perspectives through writing

Unit Focus: This unit focuses on learning the stories of our past. Students will explore various texts (literary and informational) and their unique perspectives on history to consider how different experiences ofer a different historical perspective. Students will analyze multiple documents to corroborate details of the past and help them understand the author’s purpose. Students will also learn how authors use or alter history to develop texts. 







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