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Apps & Websites


APPS and WEBSITES-free and fee based

List Created by HMarsh 2020

  • 3 Minute Mindfulness-Free meditation and breathing app.  There is also a subscription level of service
  • Breathe2relax- an app with hands-on diaphragmatic breathing exercise
  • Buddhify-mediation app for a fee.
  • Izen-free relaxing light and music app
  • website and mobile app with guided meditation and relaxation exercises.
  • Calmharm-an app that provides tasks that help you resist or manage the urge to self harm. You can add your own tasks too and it's completely private and password protected.
  • Colorfly-free coloring book app
  • eCBT-a set of Apple™ apps that provides therapeutic skills and education based on the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).
  • Happify-Activities and games for stress and anxiety
  • Headspace-"Meditation made simple." This app has a free introductory period, after which it requires a paid subscription to continue to use.
  • Insight Timer-Free mobile app with virtual "bells" to time and support your meditations.
  • Ichill
  • iSleepEasy-A calm female voice helps you quell anxieties and take the time to relax and sleep, in an array of guided meditations
  • Meditation Oasis-meditation and music
  • Mindshift- Free mobile app for teens developed by AnxietyBC, with mindfulness and other coping skills for anxiety
  • Mood 24/7-website
  • Mood meter-free app with available upgrades that aims to build emotional intelligence.
  • Optimism-Track your moods, keep a journal, and chart your recovery progress with this comprehensive tool for depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety disorders.
  • Smiling Mind-Free mobile mindfulness app for young people, from Australia
  • Sosh-an approach to social skills based on a decade of work with children, adolescents, and young adults who struggle with social difficulties.   The Sosh framework divides social functioning into five areas essential to social skills development and success: Relate (Connect with Others), Relax(Reduce Stress), Regulate (Manage Behaviors), Reason (Think it Through) and Recognize (Understand Feelings).
  • Stop Breathe Think-Free web and mobile app for youth, with meditations for mindfulness and compassion
  • Virtual Hope box-teaches breathing, relaxation, inspirational quotes, save coping tools.
  • For more apps visit: